January 13, 2016

Bloomberg Media Head of Sales, Americas, Keith Grossman – View the full video
Keith Grossman, Bloomberg Media’s Head of Sales, Americas, knows a thing or two about data. In his dual role as Publisher, Digital Platforms and Products, he built Bloomberg’s Ad Innovation Group and led the creation of a string of data-driven – and buzzed about – new products in 2015.
On site at CES 2016 this year, data’s role in driving true personalization for consumers was in the spotlight – and Grossman, speaking with Adweek, made three key observations on why that’s incredibly exciting for both brands and consumers.
1. Facebook and Google respect you.
Conspiracy theorists may love to complain about these supposedly monolithic companies – but Grossman pointed out that actually, both Google and Facebook are really, really smart about what they do with the data generated from their millions of logged-in users. “They could overwhelm us with what they can do,” he said – but noted that instead, they’re setting the standard for moving toward the future in a logical, non-intrusive way.
2. The Internet of Things has achieved critical mass.
The fact that more people know about the IoT and are working to exploit its capabilities is driving significant change in how consumers are served by companies – and that’s a good thing, because it’s driving a future in which “consumers are messaged in a manner that can help marketers be additive to what the consumer wants,” Grossman said. Whether that’s satisfying consumer intent, helping consumers achieve key goals, or connecting data and storytelling to personalize relationships.
3. Invisibility is going to rule.
Consumers want wearable devices that “are embedded into their physical experiences,” not layered on top of them, Grossman said. Even as the rivalry between Fitbit and Apple heats up, the idea of putting something on that’s extra to what you’d already be doing may be on its way out. Grossman sees more promise in devices that can be made seamless – such as those that are an unnoticeable part of a fabric, or a shoe, for instance.
You’ll note that all three of Grossman’s key ideas center around the power of increased connectivity and unobtrusive personalization to create better day-to-day living. In other words – the future is all about you. Get ready!